Words: Robby Pacicco / Photos: Courtesy of Niko Batsos

Just like opinions and well, you know the rest of the expression, everyone’s got them. That’s right, guilty pleasures. They come in a variety of forms and manifestations, often causing some sort of embarrassment or laughter. Either for, towards or with the victim suffering from this human condition. It doesn’t matter the person, their lifestyle or reputation, scratch the surface just enough and chances are they will be able to sing I Want it That Way from the Backstreet Boys or Take It On the Run by REO Speedwagon. Ok yes, they are absolutely magical ear worms and can make the hardest biker a softy at heart. The thing is guilty pleasures don’t just end at the playlist. They can be absolutely anything that have been celebrated and ridiculed just as much, including cars, especially cars. Somewhere out there exists a Ford Pinto appreciation club or a Chevrolet Chevette cult of some sort. The affliction does not discriminate. No age demographic is safe. Case in point, meet Niko Batsos, college student, musician and proud owner of a 1972 MG Midget.

Niko’s curious and creative rivers flow from the ocean of his loving and supportive parents. When he isn’t busy with work, school or his Midget, he’s usually dialing into one of his many talents. Influenced musically by Eddie Van Halen, young Mr. Batsos is always looking to perfect that flawless riff or locking in that pristine lick. Not unlike his guitar hero King Edward did, Niko loves and appreciates cars of all types. His arsenal of skills doesn’t end at the six string as he is pretty well adept with a camera also. He enjoys capturing moments and framing them with his lens because he sees there is always a story to tell within the details, still photography or videography.
Unlike many of his friends, the wavy-haired undergrad didn’t ache for the typical BMW 3 Series or steroid powered Subaru Impreza WRX. Instead, he put his mind and ambition into ensuring his very first car would be a learning experience rather than just an appliance for transportation. “My dad had a family friend that had an MGB,” says Niko, “Sometimes my dad would just borrow it. So, when I wanted to buy my first car and told my dad I wanted an old MG, he agreed.”

Only 19 years old at the time Niko paid for his new to him ride, he realized he’d have to learn how to keep it not just running, but running well. This isn’t to say his car had any major issues, but because the young man now owned a very old car. “I’m pretty lucky,” he says with a smile, “My uncle Nick took me under his wing and I’m just absorbing everything I’m taught. His knowledge and experience have made me become so connected with my car in a way I didn’t expect.” The uncle he refers to is none other than Nick Panaritis, the muscle car magician himself from Nick’s Garage on YouTube (see our previous story Overdrive). This is why Niko, and his orange roadster are familiar to viewers of the internationally viewed show. “I know my little car isn’t really all that practical or a performer, but it really is just about an overall experience.” He’s right. The cute little rear wheel drive convertible isn’t suited for the cold or winter conditions of Montreal, where he calls home. It sure isn’t a car known for being a performer considering it has somewhere between 55 to 62 horsepower and the handling of a well tuned cart. That isn’t a type-o; cart as in grocery and not as in kart as in go. However, this is why any true automotive enthusiast out there will repeat repeatedly how it’s never only about the numbers. It’s transcendental. For anyone fortunate enough to fit into an MG Midget, it’s a vibe that can be only felt in an old British roadster. The sense of freedom and being automatically cool for by not trying to be cool, that is a vibe. The Midget wasn’t meant to be Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple, but instead Rock Lobster by the B-52’s. It’s not about being appreciated by everyone, but by someone. Someone finding enjoyment within it, a connection to it, an affinity for it, rational or not; a guilty pleasure.
You can follow Niko’s creative adventures on: https://www.youtube.com/@nikobatsos6194